Education Examples
In 2022, Denver Public Schools (CO) used outcome-based contracting to implement a state-funded high impact tutoring program. This case study includes steps for implementing this contract and the “rate card” Denver used for pricing outcomes.
In 2023, Duval County Public Schools (FL) used an outcomes-based contracting model to implement a high impact tutoring program. This case study includes steps for implementing this contract and the “rate card” Duval used for pricing outcomes.
Workforce Examples
In 2020, the Workforce Development Board of Central Ohio (WDBCO) released performance-based RFPs for their one-stop center operator and their main career services provider that combined cost-reimbursement with performance payments for priority outcomes. Each of the five performance metrics the WDBCO prioritized was assigned a baseline measure as the minimum level of performance required to begin receiving bonus payments, and each metric accounts for 9% of the total direct operational costs.
- The Social Impact Partnerships to Pay for Results Act (SIPPRA), signed into law in 2018, is intended to increase employment and earnings of low income individuals who may experience barriers to employment and increase the financial stability of low-income families. Funding for training providers is distributed according to a tiered outcome payment scheme based on levels of success in achieving this outcome.
Leading Example Submissions
If you know an SEA that is implementing evidence-based spending strategies, nominate them to be included in the Guide!