Check out the resources page for more examples of grant programs that define evidence.
Defining Evidence Using ESSA
In the Arizona Department of Education’s (ADE) guidance for the Comprehensive Literacy State Development Program, ADE defines “evidence-based practices” by referring to the ESSA evidence provisions and by including descriptions of ESSA’s four levels of evidence (page 12).
In their Strong Connections Grant program, the Maryland Department of Education defines evidence by referring to the ESSA evidence provisions and includes the language from ESSA that describes Levels I, II, III and IV evidence-based activities, strategies or interventions (page 11).
Defining Evidence By Describing Key Program Features
The Minnesota Department of Education cites federal guidance in defining what makes a Full-Service Community Schools model evidence-based (page 8).
In their All-Corps High-Dosage Tutoring grant program, the Tennessee Department of Education defines “evidence-based high-dosage tutoring” by including the specific design features of an evidence-based high-dosage tutoring program in their request for proposals (page 10) and associated resources.
Defining Evidence Using a State or Federal Definition (other than ESSA)
The Colorado Department of Education’s 2021 Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant references the Colorado READ Act (i.e., state legislation) to define evidence (page 8).
- The Nevada Department of Education’s 2022 Addressing the Impact of Learning Loss and Closing Funding Gaps grant program defines evidence by referring to the definition used by the federal State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program (Appendix C).
RFA's Evidence Honor Roll
Get access to a catalog of programs that define and prioritize evidence of effectiveness with RFA's "Honor Roll of State Grant Programs that Define and Prioritize Evidence." State agencies can nominate their state grant program(s) for potential inclusion using this form. RFA reviews nominations and updates the honor roll on a rolling basis.
Leading Example Submissions
If you know an SEA that is implementing evidence-based spending strategies, nominate them to be included in the Guide!